Use of Less Trusted Source
The product has two different sources of the same data or information, but it uses the source that has less support for verification, is less trusted, or is less resistant to attack.
The following examples help to illustrate the nature of this weakness and describe methods or techniques which can be used to mitigate the risk.
Note that the examples here are by no means exhaustive and any given weakness may have many subtle varieties, each of which may require different detection methods or runtime controls.
Example One
This code attempts to limit the access of a page to certain IP Addresses. It checks the 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' header in case an authorized user is sending the request through a proxy.
$requestingIP = '';
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) {
$requestingIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
echo "You are not authorized to view this page";
The 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' header can be user controlled and so should never be trusted. An attacker can falsify the header to gain access to the page.
This fixed code only trusts the 'REMOTE_ADDR' header and so avoids the issue:
$requestingIP = '';
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) {
echo "This application cannot be accessed through a proxy.";
$requestingIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
Be aware that 'REMOTE_ADDR' can still be spoofed. This may seem useless because the server will send the response to the fake address and not the attacker, but this may still be enough to conduct an attack. For example, if the generatePage() function in this code is resource intensive, an attacker could flood the server with fake requests using an authorized IP and consume significant resources. This could be a serious DoS attack even though the attacker would never see the page's sensitive content.
See Also
Weaknesses in this category are related to insufficient verification of data authenticity.
Weaknesses in this category are related to a software system's data integrity components. Frequently these deal with the ability to ensure the integrity of data, such ...
This category identifies Software Fault Patterns (SFPs) within the Architecture cluster.
This view (slice) covers all the elements in CWE.
This view contains a selection of weaknesses that represent the variety of weaknesses that are captured in CWE, at a level of abstraction that is likely to be useful t...
This view (slice) lists weaknesses that can be introduced during implementation.
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