Exposure of Sensitive Information caused by Shared Microarchitectural Predictor State that Influences Transient Execution
Shared microarchitectural predictor state may allow code to influence transient execution across a hardware boundary, potentially exposing data that is accessible beyond the boundary over a covert channel.
Many commodity processors have Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) features that protect software components from one another. These features can include memory segmentation, virtual memory, privilege rings, trusted execution environments, and virtual machines, among others. For example, virtual memory provides each process with its own address space, which prevents processes from accessing each other's private data. Many of these features can be used to form hardware-enforced security boundaries between software components.
When separate software components (for example, two processes) share microarchitectural predictor state across a hardware boundary, code in one component may be able to influence microarchitectural predictor behavior in another component. If the predictor can cause transient execution, the shared predictor state may allow an attacker to influence transient execution in a victim, and in a manner that could allow the attacker to infer private data from the victim by monitoring observable discrepancies (CWE-203) in a covert channel [REF-1400].
Predictor state may be shared when the processor transitions from one component to another (for example, when a process makes a system call to enter the kernel). Many commodity processors have features which prevent microarchitectural predictions that occur before a boundary from influencing predictions that occur after the boundary.
Predictor state may also be shared between hardware threads, for example, sibling hardware threads on a processor that supports simultaneous multithreading (SMT). This sharing may be benign if the hardware threads are simultaneously executing in the same software component, or it could expose a weakness if one sibling is a malicious software component, and the other sibling is a victim software component. Processors that share microarchitectural predictors between hardware threads may have features which prevent microarchitectural predictions that occur on one hardware thread from influencing predictions that occur on another hardware thread.
Features that restrict predictor state sharing across transitions or between hardware threads may be always-on, on by default, or may require opt-in from software.
The following examples help to illustrate the nature of this weakness and describe methods or techniques which can be used to mitigate the risk.
Note that the examples here are by no means exhaustive and any given weakness may have many subtle varieties, each of which may require different detection methods or runtime controls.
Example One
Branch Target Injection (BTI) is a vulnerability that can allow an SMT hardware thread to maliciously train the indirect branch predictor state that is shared with its sibling hardware thread. A cross-thread BTI attack requires the attacker to find a vulnerable code sequence within the victim software. For example, the authors of [REF-1415] identified the following code sequence in the Windows library ntdll.dll:
adc edi,dword ptr [ebx+edx+13BE13BDh]
adc dl,byte ptr [edi]
jmp dword ptr [rsi] # at this point attacker knows edx, controls edi and ebx
To successfully exploit this code sequence to disclose the victim's private data, the attacker must also be able to find an indirect branch site within the victim, where the attacker controls the values in edi and ebx, and the attacker knows the value in edx as shown above at the indirect branch site.
A proof-of-concept cross-thread BTI attack might proceed as follows:
The attacker thread and victim thread must be co-scheduled on the same physical processor core.
The attacker thread must train the shared branch predictor so that when the victim thread reaches indirect_branch_site, the jmp instruction will be predicted to target example_code_sequence instead of the correct architectural target. The training procedure may vary by processor, and the attacker may need to reverse-engineer the branch predictor to identify a suitable training algorithm.
This step assumes that the attacker can control some values in the victim program, specifically the values in edi and ebx at indirect_branch_site. When the victim reaches indirect_branch_site the processor will (mis)predict example_code_sequence as the target and (transiently) execute the adc instructions. If the attacker chooses ebx so that `ebx = m
0x13BE13BD - edx, then the first adc will load 32 bits from address m in the victim's address space and add *m (the data loaded from) to the attacker-controlled base address in edi. The second adc instruction accesses a location in memory whose address corresponds to *m`.
The adversary uses a covert channel analysis technique such as Flush+Reload ([REF-1416]) to infer the value of the victim's private data *m.
Example Two
BTI can also allow software in one execution context to maliciously train branch predictor entries that can be used in another context. For example, on some processors user-mode software may be able to train predictor entries that can also be used after transitioning into kernel mode, such as after invoking a system call. This vulnerability does not necessarily require SMT and may instead be performed in synchronous steps, though it does require the attacker to find an exploitable code sequence in the victim's code, for example, in the kernel.
See Also
Weaknesses in this category are related to resource lifecycle management.
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