Weaknesses in SEI ETF Categories of Security Vulnerabilities in ICS

A view in the Common Weakness Enumeration published by The MITRE Corporation.


Views in the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) represent one perspective with which to consider a set of weaknesses.

CWE entries in this view (graph) are associated with the Categories of Security Vulnerabilities in ICS, as published by the Securing Energy Infrastructure Executive Task Force (SEI ETF) in March 2022. Weaknesses and categories in this view are focused on issues that affect ICS (Industrial Control Systems) but have not been traditionally covered by CWE in the past due to its earlier emphasis on enterprise IT software. Note: weaknesses in this view are based on "Nearest IT Neighbor" recommendations and other suggestions by the CWE team. These relationships are likely to change in future CWE versions.

Target Audience

Academic Researchers

Academic researchers can use this view to identify potential research opportunities that could produce better methods for detection or avoidance of weaknesses in ICS/OT products.

Assessment Tool Vendors

Assessment tool vendors that help to assess potential weaknesses, or avoid them, can use this view to improve their tool's coverage to address more weaknesses.

Hardware Designers

ICS/OT hardware designers can use this view to ensure a minimal set of weaknesses that should be avoided or mitigated during the design process.

Product Vendors

Product vendors can use this view to ensure that all aspects of the product lifecycle address these weaknesses.


ICS Communications

Weaknesses in this category are related to the "ICS Communications" super category from the SEI ETF "Categories of Security Vulnerabilities in ICS" as published in Mar...

ICS Dependencies (& Architecture)

Weaknesses in this category are related to the "ICS Dependencies (& Architecture)" super category from the SEI ETF "Categories of Security Vulnerabilities in ICS" as p...

ICS Engineering (Constructions/Deployment)

Weaknesses in this category are related to the "ICS Engineering (Constructions/Deployment)" super category from the SEI ETF "Categories of Security Vulnerabilities in ...

ICS Operations (& Maintenance)

Weaknesses in this category are related to the "ICS Operations (& Maintenance)" super category from the SEI ETF "Categories of Security Vulnerabilities in ICS" as publ...

ICS Supply Chain

Weaknesses in this category are related to the "ICS Supply Chain" super category from the SEI ETF "Categories of Security Vulnerabilities in ICS" as published in March...

See Also

  1. Categories of Security Vulnerabilities in ICS

    Securing Energy Infrastructure Executive Task Force (SEI ETF)

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