Manage User Sessions

A category in the Common Weakness Enumeration published by The MITRE Corporation.


Categories in the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) group entries based on some common characteristic or attribute.

Weaknesses in this category are related to the design and architecture of session management. Frequently these deal with the information or status about each user and their access rights for the duration of multiple requests. The weaknesses in this category could lead to a degradation of the quality of session management if they are not addressed when designing or implementing a secure architecture.


Exposure of Data Element to Wrong Session

The product does not sufficiently enforce boundaries between the states of different sessions, causing data to be provided to, or used by, the wrong session.

Improper Enforcement of Behavioral Workflow

The product supports a session in which more than one behavior must be performed by an actor, but it does not properly ensure that the actor performs the behaviors in ...

Insufficient Session Expiration

According to WASC, "Insufficient Session Expiration is when a web site permits an attacker to reuse old session credentials or session IDs for authorization."

J2EE Bad Practices: Non-serializable Object Stored in Session

The product stores a non-serializable object as an HttpSession attribute, which can hurt reliability.

J2EE Misconfiguration: Insufficient Session-ID Length

The J2EE application is configured to use an insufficient session ID length.

Session Fixation

Authenticating a user, or otherwise establishing a new user session, without invalidating any existing session identifier gives an attacker the opportunity to steal au...


Architectural Concepts

This view organizes weaknesses according to common architectural security tactics. It is intended to assist architects in identifying potential mistakes that can be ma...

See Also

  1. A Catalog of Security Architecture Weaknesses.

    2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA)

  2. Understanding Software Vulnerabilities Related to Architectural Security Tactics: An Empirical Investigation of Chromium, PHP and Thunderbird.

    2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA)

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